Reason 10 An awesome community
- How to engage with the R community
- Great free learning resources
We are almost at the end of this short introduction to R. We have barely scratched the surface of what R has to offer, but I hope, this has helped you figure out whether R is for you and whether you want to learn more about it. If you do, I think the best way is to find other people to learn from.
10.1 Get involved with the community
R has an incredibly friendly, diverse, and welcoming community that is very open to beginners and loves to share knowledge, and because R is so widespread, there’s always an R nerd nearby who’s willing to help. Don’t be afraid to ask questions! Here are some ideas how you could engage with the community:
The Twitter hashtag
is a good way keep track of all the new things in the R world and “talk shop” with other R nerds.R conferences and user groups are a good place to meet other R users. Jumping rivers is maintaining a list. ( If there is non in your area, why not create your own?
There is also a R for Data Science learning community that organizes community learning events such as Tidy Tuesday – a weekly data visualization challenge. Participate in Tidy Tuesday to sharpen your data wrangling and data visualization skills and see how other people are approaching the same data.
Write your own package or contribute to packages. This is an excellent way to become a better R programmer.
10.2 How to continue learning?
Another thing that is unique about the R community is that R is mainly used by (and taught to) people who are not software engineers or computer scientists. As a result there is a lot of learning material that is made for people without a technical background. Amazingly, much of it is generously made available for free and really good! I will present just a few personal recommendations. The Awesome R Learning Resources List provides a more comprehensive list of resources for learning R, and Flavio Azevedo has compiled a list of R Tutorials on YouTube. R user groups and conferences also often put their talks online. See, for example, the RStudio presentations.
An excellent book to pick up next would be R for Data Science. It provides a comprehensive overview of the Tidyverse. If you are working in education, then also check out R for Education — a handbook for teaching and learning with R and RStudio.
Finally, the Carpentries are an organisation that teaches scientific computing skills to researchers, including R courses for beginners. Many universities and research institutes offer Carpentries courses for free to their students and employees. The material is available online, e.g., R for Social Sciences and R for Ecologists.